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Title: (from*) (to*)
Written date [in dd/mm/yy format]: (between) (and)
Date happened [in dd/mm/yy format]: (between) (and)
Articles linked to the following place:
Articles contained in expedition(s) with name like:*
Hit count: (between) (and)
User rating: (between) (and)

* You can use the '*' character as a wildcard character to select text that is 'like' the text entered. (For example: 'mar*' entered in the 'Written by' field will return all expeditions whose user names start with 'mar' - like 'mark', 'martin', 'marek' etc.)

Article title Written by Written date Happened d. Rating Open
Expedition name Expedition leg name Place Hit count Word count*
The worst road and the best meal so far in China marek 12/Jul/2004 4/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7844
Mountains continue marek 12/Jul/2004 3/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7539
Eating and drinking marek 12/Jul/2004 2/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7585
Unbelievable prices marek 12/Jul/2004 1/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7182

* Word count displays the approximate number of words
in the article. It is replaced with edit controls for articles
written by the currently logged on traveler.