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Article title Written by Written date Happened d. Rating Open
Expedition name Expedition leg name Place Hit count Word count*
Back home marek 16/Nov/2004 17/Sep/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Australia 7513
Luck on Friday the 13th? marek 16/Nov/2004 13/Aug/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Shanghai(CN) 8031
Shanghai's old city marek 16/Nov/2004 11/Aug/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Shanghai(CN) 7812
Chinese version of a logistics nightmare marek 16/Nov/2004 6/Aug/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Shanghai(CN) 7907
The big decission marek 9/Aug/2004 4/Aug/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Shanghai(CN) 8322
Shanghai marek 9/Aug/2004 3/Aug/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Shanghai(CN) 7734
Ugly China, suicidal Chinese marek 9/Aug/2004 2/Aug/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia China 7554
Going crazy marek 9/Aug/2004 2/Aug/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia China 7399
Good and bad roads marek 9/Aug/2004 1/Aug/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia China 7492
Another long day marek 9/Aug/2004 31/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia China 7413
Back to China marek 9/Aug/2004 30/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Hong Kong 7541
Back from… - you would not guess where marek 9/Aug/2004 28/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Hong Kong 7310
Sightseeing Hong Kong marek 13/Jul/2004 11/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Hong Kong 7595
In HK - thanks to Lili and her family! marek 13/Jul/2004 10/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Hong Kong 7404
Not allowed into Hong Kong marek 13/Jul/2004 9/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Shenzhen(CN) 7733
CRASHED! marek 12/Jul/2004 8/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia China 7487
Beautiful Yangshuo marek 12/Jul/2004 7/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Yangshuo(CN) 7840
Rain, rain and more rain + close lorry encounter marek 12/Jul/2004 6/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guilin(CN) 7842
ALMOST DEPORTED! marek 12/Jul/2004 5/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Hunan(CN) 7636
The worst road and the best meal so far in China marek 12/Jul/2004 4/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7844
Mountains continue marek 12/Jul/2004 3/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7539
Eating and drinking marek 12/Jul/2004 2/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7584
Unbelievable prices marek 12/Jul/2004 1/Jul/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7181
Maintenance day marek 12/Jul/2004 30/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Guizhou(CN) 7549
Staying with a family marek 12/Jul/2004 29/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Kunming(CN) 7631
Is it ever going to stop? marek 12/Jul/2004 28/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia China 14017
Few initial observations from China marek 12/Jul/2004 27/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia China 11817
I cannot believe it! marek 12/Jul/2004 27/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia China 7584
OK, let’s give it a try marek 12/Jul/2004 26/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Laos 11517
Re-joining the group again marek 12/Jul/2004 23/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia The waterfall(LA) 7372
Just browsing through the city marek 12/Jul/2004 22/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Luang Phrabang(LA) 7555
Plain Of Jars marek 24/Jun/2004 21/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Plain Of Jars(LA) 7364
The first propper mountain ride marek 22/Jun/2004 20/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Laos 6684
Vientiene and Vang Vieng marek 22/Jun/2004 19/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Vientiane(LA) 7117
Reunion marek 22/Jun/2004 18/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Laos 6845
Tadlo and new friends marek 22/Jun/2004 17/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Tad Lo(LA) 11652
In Laos marek 22/Jun/2004 14/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Laos 6786
Had to do it... marek 22/Jun/2004 14/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Cambodia 6805
New people and more rain marek 22/Jun/2004 13/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Cambodia 6811
Merciful nature marek 22/Jun/2004 12/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Cambodia 6388
Time to move again marek 22/Jun/2004 11/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Cambodia 6340
A weekend by the ocean marek 10/Jun/2004 7/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Kep(KH) 6420
Getting to know Phnom Pehh marek 10/Jun/2004 4/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Phnom Penh(KH) 4277
Back in Cambodia marek 10/Jun/2004 3/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Cambodia 3039
Try this! marek 10/Jun/2004 3/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Vietnam 3410
Mixed feelings marek 10/Jun/2004 3/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Vietnam 3363
All shots have been fired… marek 10/Jun/2004 2/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Vietnam 3373
Still have bullets to shoot marek 10/Jun/2004 1/Jun/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Vietnam 3403
And the result is... marek 10/Jun/2004 31/May/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Cu Chi tunnels(VN) 4560
The rest of the week marek 10/Jun/2004 30/May/2004 Read
Around the World on a Motorbike Australia - South East Asia Vietnam 3273
1 2 3 >> Next

* Word count displays the approximate number of words
in the article. It is replaced with edit controls for articles
written by the currently logged on traveler.